Sunday, September 02, 2007

Maxforce Carpenter Ant Gel

Maxforce is a company that has alot of products for ants and roaches and one of the products in it's arsenal is the Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait Gel. It is formulated specifically for carpenter ants who have traditionally been hard to bait for in the past. I have heard of companies like Coopers Pest Control who used this product to eliminate these pests from structures. There is alot of good news about Maxforce carpenter ant gel. It can be picked up online at your favorite DIY pest control product website.

1 comment:

itsmesueb said...

I have to agree that this is a great product! I live in S.C. and was infest with carpenter ants and carpenter bees. I bought this as well as several other products from an online company called and no more ants or bees. Now I am back looking for mole eliminating products.